In honor of women’s history month! Join us on March 30th at the @thepalettecommunity in Schenectady for a workshop on women and mental health. Ally Meyers, a former JLA member will be putting on this workshop.
Resilient women made history, and resilient women are our future.
In a world full of stressors and distractions, it’s more important than ever to take care of our emotional well-being. Using the basics of Positive Psychology, Ally will share the simple strategies that help us decrease stress, increase resilience, and implement the tools that we need to continue making history. @thescoopsaratoga
After the workshop, we will be hosting our first-period party. We will be collecting donations for the capital region’s menstrual health and assembling them into care packages! @capitalregionmh
Please bring donations of tampons and pads to the event!